One step closer to Fast Zen

ZenStill® Fast is a complete formula for anxiety and panic management. Innovative, holistic approach focuses on treating anxiety related problems on different levels – through body, mind and inner zen. Eliminating the symptoms only one circle is not enough – it is necessary to treat the body as a whole.

ZenStill® Fast

Fast-acting anti-anxiety complex that relaxes mind, body and inner zen. ZenStill Fast will control the panic and take the fear away.

  • Promotes Mental Clarity: helps to clear the mind and improve focus, allowing users to better manage anxiety-inducing situations
  • Versatile Usage: can be used in various situations, such as before public speaking, during stressful events, or as a daily anxiety management tool
  • Healthy heart: Magnesium ensures healthy heartbeat and blood pressure during anxiety and panic

Just on time before the storm

ZenStill Fast consists of ingredients that are science based, they are non-habit forming, offering a safe solution and helping to manage and prevent future episodes.

  • Take 2 capsules when needed

Inhale peace, exhale anxiety

Controlling anxiety can significantly improve your overall mental well-being and relationships. Here are few benefits of ZenStill Fast for effective panic and anxiety management:

  • Better emotional health, enhanced mood
  • Healthy relationships with friends, family, colleagues
  • Thinking clearly
  • Reduced physical symptoms
  • Improved productivity


L-tryptophan - for the inner zen

Essential element in body for serotonin production to make you feel happy and calm. Perfect combination with B complex for nervous system. Low levels of tryptophan can make you feel unhappy.

Phenylalanine - for the inner zen

Ensures complete anxiety reduction. Helps with motivation, pleasure, focus and attention. Can help to quit addictions like smoking. Necessary for dopamine production.

Magnesium bisglycinate - for the body and mind

Relaxes muscles un helps with mental relaxation. Essential for stress hormone cortisol. Ensures normal functioning of the nervous system, reduces fatigue and weakness.

Passionflower extract - for the body and mind

Most common used plant for anxiety, panic disorders and stress. Effectively calms down the mind and body, helps with elevated heartbeat.

Hops extract - for the body and mind

Natural anti-anxiety plant that helps to reduce stress and promote relaxation, making it an ideal supplement for people who struggle with anxiety. Significantly reduces anxiety and stress symptoms.

Vitamin B complex - for the body and mind

Plays an important and significant role in anxiety treatment. Low levels of B group vitamins are associated with anxiety and panic. Improves the quality of life in adults with depression and anxiety.

Start your journey with ZenStill®

ZenStill products provide a new, personalised approach to your mental health and puts emphasis on individual mental health treatment.

Pairs well with other ZenStill products

Day - perfect companion for daily stress

Night - perfect companion for a good night sleep

BalanceXR - perfect companion for low mood


Depression and anxiety have different characteristic symptoms though some of them overlap.

  • 85% of depressed patients experience anxiety and panic
  • 90% of anxiety patients have depression symptoms


ZenStill special capsules have a consistent dosage since they are pre-measured and manufactured under strict quality control conditions. This ensures that you receive the right amount of medicine every time.

  • Special shell of capsules dissolves quickly, allowing the medicine to be absorbed faster than tablets. This is because tablets have to be broken down in the stomach before they can be absorbed.
  • Better protection: Capsules offer better protection against air, heat, and moisture. This helps to preserve the medication and prevent it from getting spoiled or losing efficacy.

You deserve the best and highest quality

The ZenStill brand line improves the quality of life for patients so they can enjoy the fruits of life – be happy and content with life, see children grow up, travel the world or simply be ZEN.

Made in EU

Lab tested, verified

Lactose free

Glucose free

Gluten free

Other ZenStill products

Solé Pharma® Healthcare


Become a distributor

Solé Pharma® Healthcare products are manufactured in Latvia, European Union country. We will take your business to a new level with recognised and excellent products.

GMP certified

ISO certified

EU certified